The Boneheads of Affiliate Marketing

Need traffic for your business? I recommend The Online Economy.

Welcome to the first of a four-part series this month called “Affiliate Marketing Superstars.”

I’ve been doing affiliate marketing for most of the decade just finished. Throughout this series, I’m going to share FOUR of my most elite and most secret methods for eclipsing the competition.

As for method number 1, it alone won’t get you into the top 1% of affiliate marketers. But it will get you OUT of the majority of affiliate marketers who get little to no results (I call them the “boneheads” of affiliate marketing) and able to get decent results.

Getting out of the boneheads club simply involves knowing the answer to one question…

“What Can Affiliate Marketing Do That No Other Business Model Can Do?”

Affiliate marketing is something a lot of you are interested in doing, because you hear you don’t have to create a product. But that’s not why you should do it.

In my post at the end of last year, I explained how many businesses are constantly risking dramatic drops in income because they rely on a single product.

The reason they rely on a single product is the business owner has only one particular specialisation. But that doesn’t mean you can’t (or shouldn’t) partner with other businesses that are relevant to your customer base.

Take myself, for example. I’ve been providing websites, copywriting and coaching to online business people for years. But my customers need other products that I can’t provide.

Affiliate marketing is how I have been able to build an online marketplace of third-party suppliers and take a commission from everything they sell to my customers.

This way, if one of my clients asks me for a video on their website, I don’t need to simply tell them, “Sorry, I don’t do videos.”

Instead, I’ll just find a video producer, add them to my online marketplace, refer my client to them and take a commission!

Here’s the answer to the earlier question. What can affiliate marketing do that no other business model can do? It allows you to earn off of EVERYTHING and ANYTHING that your customers might need, NOT just what you have the skills and resources to provide.

This diversifies your income streams and stabilises your business even during the tougher times.

The boneheads of affiliate marketing don’t do this. They join just ONE affiliate network, rely on that ONE income stream, often don’t bother to sell a product of their own, and guess what happens when their ONE affiliate network closes?

Affiliate marketing is a way to diversify your income streams, not a way to limit yourself to just one.

If your mentality is to build an online marketplace of EVERYTHING and ANYTHING that your customers might need, NOT just what you have the skills and resources to provide, then you won’t be joining just one affiliate network.

Or just two, or three.

You’ll potentially be joining HUNDREDS. Why shouldn’t your online marketplace be comprehensive?

There is a certain method to building a large online marketplace, which I have been perfecting over many years of using this affiliate marketing strategy. If you don’t get the method right, you can only imagine how disorganised and chaotic it can get.

If you DO get the method right, managing hundreds of affiliate offers can be as easy as managing just one. (But more stable for your business.)
I’m currently writing a book that will walk through the full detail of building a large online marketplace with potentially hundreds of affiliate offers. It’s the same method I’ve been using and you can use too.

So far, I’m thinking the title of this book will probably be “How to Create an Online Marketplace.”

Please send me a message or comment below if you’re interested in this book. If you contact me before the end of FEBRUARY 2020, you will get the whole book for FREE and I’ll share the content with you as I write it.

If you’re not sure whether you need this book, then don’t forget there are still THREE more parts to this series, “Affiliate Marketing Superstars.”

These will reveal three more of my most elite and most secret methods for affiliate marketing. I will share them right here, 100% free, in the next few days.

To avoid missing them, like this page right now (or send to a friend who might like) or join our group.

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